Garden Don't Care
view of a long table with harvest from the garden including variety of pumpkins, daikon, kale, yarrow, chard, flowers, an induction cooker, canned jams a spread of magazine pages, left image has a thick border, and a collage of circular objects including a paper plate with dried dandelions, right page is thin strips creating a rough hexagon and watercolour marks inside with a photograph of soil/compost
harvest from garden don't care

collaborative collage titled "pattern of pears" in The Capilano Review, Summer 2020

spread of magazine, left image is a collage of shadow figures, what looks like a human head, some radicchio, high contrast image, right image is softer toned collage, more photographs of soil, pencil drawing, some illegible text, disposable plate with dried flowers, a figure holdin a mirror with a reflection of the soil magazine spread, left image is a collage of fruits and pencil drawings depicting a hand with red nails, right image is an illegible poem that starts from the top left corner of the page and spirals rectangularly into itself
two figures in a makeshift outdoor kitchen, standing amidst camping stoves, rubbermaid tubs and spices three figures in a makeshift outdoor kitchen, standing amidst camping stoves, rubbermaid tubs and spices
derya, vivienne and julia at slow waves small projects, cooking

two images with about eight kids standing or sitting around large cotton fabric laid out on table and on floor indoors, sarrounded with leaves, flowers, and dried plant materials, making compositions on small peieces of fabric to get dye effects. four adults standing around two kids on a large piece of fabric outside in the garden. The canvas has been painted by the kids and adults. there are paints and brushes around the fabric.
derya and vivienne organizing
a natural dye workshop at Vancouver Art Gallery for kids

mark making workshop at garden don't care

two images of round plates held by a hand. one meal is brown rice with saucy stew on top, with cilantro and flat bread, second meal is fried tofu, guac, sour cream, wild rice and dal topped with greens
two images, left is s small piece of fabric laid on ground outdiirs, with two adults and two kids around it painting the canvas in various colours, the second image is two adults and one child painting on the wall outside at the garden.
staff lunch at garden don't care

mark making workshop at garden don't care
Garden Don't Care was a collaboration between
Kurtis Wilson, Vivienne Bessette, Julia Feyrer,
Conor Fanning, Emma Sise, Tobin Gibson,
Salem Sharp, Derya Akay and Rowan Anthony Blackwater
at Unit 17, Vancouver
outdoor long table with a dozen adults sitting around it, table is full of food, flowers and pitchers with juice. the crowd is listening to someone talk and not focused on the food two images, left image is of a long table, ready to be sat at. one person in the back is tending to the plates. the table is full of butterfly bush flowers and other flowers, tableware and glassware. second image is the same tabe full of people, focused on the food and enjoying a pleasant meal.
vivienne, derya anad kurtis' meal from
discounted produce for "what artists
bring to the table" at art gallery of greater victoria

group of people circled around a figure in the center, who seems to be looking at something on the ground and talking. everyone around is listening and looking at the same things. everyone is outside in the garden.  
SF Ho, talking about plants as a part of their
weeds workshop at garden don't care

group of people sitting around a long table outside in the garden, with an awning above them for shade. someone seems to be reading and everyone else is following a text. there are dahlias on the table, and two tall sunflowers at the back. the table is full of rocks, flower arrangements, paper, pen, scissors, glassware and lemonade in a rectangular pitcher a book spread, left imagef is a collage f photographs depicting baklava, kebab, tirit, garden produce, pencil drawings, şalgam, prep lists written on newsprint. all photographs arranged as if laid out on a table overlapping each other. right image shows illegible text
SF Ho reading after their workshop garden don't care, list of ingredients, or Adanac kebab, collage spread for AKA Artist Run Centre, Saskatoon's Local's Only project

book spread showing tow pages, left image shows kale leaves sprinkled on top of photographs laid on top of each other. visible images are kebab cooking, drawing of a turkish woman carrying a big tree, paper packaging for street nuts from turkey, flowers, right image is a big prep list on newsprint, noodles from a small cup, someoens shoe, tree bark, again kebab,, plums in a box, three whole bonito, all photographs laid on top of each other to fill the pages frame.
  double book spread showing a single collage of photographs laid on top of each other, visible photographs include fresh almonds, turkish coffee reading, long curly black hair, a cart of strawberrys, some pink wool,  thyme tea in turkish tea glass, a prep list written with a sharpie on white paper, an image of people plating food on a table outdoors.